DVC Training

EDIUS tips

Installing EDIUS 11

Where to download EDIUS 11 and get your VisTitle Epxress serial number: https://www.dvctraining.co.uk/downloading-and-installing-edius-11/

Check your EDIUS licence

With EDIUS 8 or later you have to make an EDIUS ID, unless you buy  the Workgroup version.  This stores your serial number and is needed as part of the copy protection. This is the link to the page to access your EDIUS ID info: https://ediusid1.grassvalley.com/

There is a limit to how many times you can activate and deactivate EDIUS.  If you want to check what the current status is on your licence you can visit this page and enter your serial number: https://activation1.grassvalley.com/flexnet/operationsportal/logon.do

Download an EDIUS installer

The EDIUS download site has changed but you can still access the old download site here: https://wwwcms.grassvalley.com/auth/

You can also download the latest versions of EDIUS here: https://www.edius.net/updates.html

Update EDIUS licence manager

If installing an old version of EDIUS – 6.5, 7 or 8 – on a modern computer you may get an error on launch.  This is solved by installing an updated version of the licence manager which you can find here: https://grassvalley.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/ProductDownloads-Editing/Ec7TH2eA_TlHvgRtUubb58wBPzNLel2-BgZo4bhDUn42Nw?e=pUvhvC

This is detailed on this EDIUS web page: https://www.ediusworld.com/support/faq/5423.html

Get updates for plugins easily

This page: https://www.edius.net/download_plug-ins.html, on the EDIUS.NET site lists many of the plug-ins for EDIUS with a direct link, where possible, to the latest version of the software.  VisTitle 2.8 can be downloaded directly from the links here, for example.