Sorenson Squeeze download link
Sorenson Squeeze, that has shipped with Avid for many year, is no more. The product went end of life on 1st September 2018. Many Avid users own Sorenson Squeeze and may need to reinstall it on their system at some point on the future but how can they do this if they can no longer download it and activated it on install? The following link is a download for a version of Squeeze 11 that does not need to be activated via the internet. It does require that you have a valid Squeeze serial number.
Download Squeeze 11 that does not need activation
I do not know how long this link will last so I would suggest if you own Squeeze you should download this and keep it safe somewhere.
You can read more on this thread on the Avid forum: http://community.avid.com/forums/p/185111/862916.aspx#862916