DVC Training
Grass Valley EDIUS

Problems activating an old version of EDIUS

Recently I was helping someone activated EDIUS 7 on his computer as he kept getting the following message:

“failed to connect to server error code 29.1416e.44.7”

The solution was explained here: https://www.ediusworld.com/support/faq/5423.html

Grass Valley have changed the way they activate EDIUS and you need a new version of the licence manager in order to do so. This applies to all versions of EDIUS 8, EDIUS 7. 6.5 and New 3.5. Simply install the new licence manager over the old one, and you should be able to activate. You can download the new licence manager here: https://grassvalley.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/ProductDownloads-Editing/Ec7TH2eA_TlHvgRtUubb58wBPzNLel2-BgZo4bhDUn42Nw?e=pUvhvC