DVC Training


Phone and email support

If you have a problem with your computer or editing program then you can call me or email and I can help. The cost of this support is £65 for the first hour and £35 per hour after that. You will be asked to pay for the support via paypal, cheque or cash after the support has finished. If your computer needs extensive work you can either bring it to DVC HQ or send it by courier. This could be to diagnose a fault, give the computer a thorough over haul, or install a new version of Windows or your editing program. Visits to DVC HQ are by appointment ONLY.

Click here for more information

Remote support & training

I can use a program called AnyDesk to control your computer via the Internet to diagnose problems and configure software.  You need to download Anydesk, run it (but you do not have to install it) and have the computer connected to the Internet. You can run Anydesk for free as you are only using it to let me remote control.

Click here to read more about remote support

Editing programs and Windows 11

Windows 11 is very new and most programs are not yet officially validated for it.  On this page I will put a quick summary of what I know currently about Windows 11 and various editing programs.

Editing programs and Windows 11

Processor generations & code names

I have had quite a few people asking how good their processor ism saying things like “the latest processor is an i7, but mine is an i7 too so why isn’t it as good?”
The way processors are named can be confusing so I have put together this guide to try and help.

Read my guide to different Intel processors

Why don’t my old DVC tutorials work any more?

Our old tutorials on EDIUS 6. Premiere Pro CS5 & CS6 and the old version of the Encore tutorial relied on Flash.  These days Flash is less popular and recently Microsoft changed the way Flash would deal with playing animations on videos which were not on the Internet. As a result our old tutorials will not play any more. This used to be easy to fix, and this option still works on some computers so is worth a try..
Click here for more information

EDIUS tips

A collection of tips for using Grass Valley EDIUS
how to restore off-line clips
using the channel map feature in EDIUS 7 later. 
Click here for more information.

Premiere Pro support

In this section we have documents on how to download a stand alone installer for the Adobe video apps, how to install older versions of Premiere and Encore CS6 with Creative Cloud, How to keep an old version of Premiere when a major update arrives, a simple guide to making a DVD in Encore and a list of known issues with the current versions of Premiere Pro.
Click here for more information

Windows tips

Here are some tips on how to adjust Windows for use with video editing systems

Click here for more information

Comparing EDIUS, Premiere Pro CC, Avid, Vegas & DaVinci Resolve

The following is my own comparison of the main editing programs, which we hope will help to guide you towards the correct program for your needs. The guide is obviously my opinion on each program based on my experience. Click here to read this guide.