DVC Training
Grass Valley EDIUSVistitle

EDIUS 11.11.14359 released

Grass Valley have released a patch for EDIUS 11 which makes some small improvements to the bin and fixes some bugs. Now you can press F2 to open the properties panel and rename a clip, for example – in earlier versions of the EDIUS 11 bin you would need to manually open or unlick the properties window to change the name. Another small change is that the bin window remembers how it was when the project was last saved rather than starting closed on every project.
There is also a bug fixed in the list which may make the consolidate function actually usuable – this is the feature which should be able to take a project and trim it down to just the bits used, which I have said for several versions do not use. If it is fixed it would be great but I won’t say this until I have done a lot of testing – given how long it has been U/S.
You can see the release notes here: https://forum.grassvalley.com/…/586300-edius-11-update… and EDIUS will probably prompt you to download. I will make a video about the changes soon.
You also need to update Vistitle express (or full) to version 3.1 or later. If you have the EDIUS setup manager it will do it for you. Recently version 3.21 has been released which has a few nice bug fixes. You can get more information on this update here: https://forum.grassvalley.com/forum/editors/edius-compatible-third-party-products/586218-vistitle-3-21-has-been-released