DVC Training

VisTitle 2.91 released for EDIUS-X

VisTitle have just released a free update to make VisTitle work in EDIUS X.  You can download it here: http://www.hkvisdom.com/index.php/vistitle-v2-901-full-installer/
You will need to have a digital licence to use the update.  They introduced these in 2018 and gave people about a year to switch for free.  If you missed that they are now letting people switch for free until the end of September – next Wednesday.  So if you missed getting the digital licence act now and you can get VisTitle working in EDIUS X.  I have not actually tried this version myself as I only just got the link, but VisTitle has been very reliable until now so I suspect it will be ok.

New Features of VisTitle 2.91

1)        Compatible with EDIUS X.

Fixed issues

  1. Improved the UI window border problem in Windows 10 OS.
  2. Fixed the incorrect coloring issue when rendering by character sometimes.
  3. Fixed the problem of incorrect color absorption with high DPI displays.
  4. Fixed that color space of the title layout remains to be 709 within EDIUS 4K project.
  5. Supported importing Unicode BE and UTF-8 without BOM encoded text file