Short tutorial on how to get my old Flash-based tutorials working in Google Chrome in 2018
I have just posted a short video explaining how you should be able to get my old DVC Flash-based tutorials working in Windows in 2018. This method works on Windows 10 and Windows 7.
My old EDIUS 6, Encore and Premiere Pro tutorials were made in Flash using Adobe Encore when doing so seemed like a pretty good idea (around 2010-2011). Unfortunately Flash is not popular any more and computers are stopping people playing flash videos off a local hard drive (i.e. when it is on your computer and not on the internet).
There was a way to fix this last year which no longer works. I found a way to make it work using Google Chrome, although not with Internet Explorer or FireFox. This video explains how to do this.
This problem does not affect the tutorials I have made in the last few years which are all done in HTML5 – It only affects the really old tutorials. I have also remade the Encore tutorial in HTML5 which is available from my webshop. The tutorials affected are the Premiere Pro CS5 & CS6 tutorial and the EDIUS 6 tutorials.
You can see the video on my YouTube channel or here :